1. Can we have Herbing and Farming NPCs? i can't find it anywhere
Yes,we're gonna work on it atm.
2.Add on Rune armours in Valaine
Why?Since we have less people(no offence to this server),they won't actually need it because people are rich and can afford dragon,bandos,etc.
3. We should make a donator area , so if anyone donate they could go there for some donation's profit
As 1800 said,There is donator zone.
4. clear the money giving in Fletching the logs (although its just 1k xD)
Why do you say that?It doesn't matter,really.You can't fucking make money through that way.
5. Thieving stall's money get abit lower its abit too high
Nope.We can't change those I think,cuz we're only Fubergen-based server,and the money are balanced.It's still balanced cuz as you said on "6.",some items are quite high.So you're contradicting yourself on getting the items and you complain that some are too high?
6. some items in should is quite high priced and some are too low (try make it balance
Don't be a complainer,thats why we made some are too low for your profit,the high price is because they are way worthier and stronger than your normal random stupid weapons.